Low Back Pain
If your lower back is causing you pain and nothing is giving you relief, you can join the thousands of sufferers who have benefited from truSculpt® flex treatments.
At Modern MedÆsthetics we combine expert medical assessment, Massage and Physiotherapy with the truSculpt FLEX system to tone and tighten specific muscles and relieve your back pain in-office with no downtime.
What is it?
truSculpt Flex® is a non-invasive muscle sculpting device that uses Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) with electrical energy delivered directly to muscles to strengthen, tone, and firm your abdomen, core, and buttocks to support your lower back.
A recent US study found that building abdominal muscle strength reduced pain and improved movement in 80% of people with back pain that did not respond to physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment or injections alone.
When you’re suffering from back pain, regular core work outs are virtually impossible. truSculpt® flex is an electrical muscle sculpting machine that strengthens muscles by an average of 30% in four treatments. It uses unique Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) technology to replicate intensified crunch and twisting actions with one 45-minute treatment on the abdomen, being the equivalent of 54,000 sit ups.
What can it do for you?
Treatment with truSculpt Flex® provides:
Strengthening of abdomen, core, and buttocks.
Toning and building strength and stability.
Firming abdominal and core muscles that can reduce back pain.
Relief from pain caused by muscular instability.
Ruben Cohen
I have been seeing Dr Hambleton since 2012 and am extremely fortunate to be able to benefit from a new technology he brought into his office called trusculpt flex. I had been in a terrible accident which caused me excruciating back pain with both compression fractures, a burst fracture, and significant disk damage. My pain would be amplified by even the simplest activity… carrying groceries, bending to tie my shoe laces, playing with my kids.
The challenge was to strengthen the 35 different muscle groups that make up my core ( back extensors, abdominals, lateral trunk muscles, and the hip muscles) enough to relieve and support my back. But I could never do this on my own.
Corey hooked me up to their new trusculpt flex machine. It took six 45 min sessions for me to be able to tie my shoe laces, clean my pond, and play with my kids with minimal pain. In addition, I also had the machine workout my arms (deltoids, biceps, and triceps) and the results have exceeded expectations. I am now able to support these results by working out in the gym twice a week and plan to continue my trusculpt flex treatments monthly to insure all of my core muscles are continually activated to keep my pain at bay. By bringing this technology into his clinic, Dr Corey Hambleton has benefitted me significantly. I recommend anyone with back pain to chat with Corey about making this investment as a proactive way of alleviating their pain.
How does it work?
You will receive a comprehensive medical assessment to rule out critical issues, and then we develop a customized plan for you that may include imaging or blood tests, Massage therapy, Physiotherapy, and truSculpt FLEX treatments.
Following injury, or pregnancy, or just lower activity, the onset of back pain can prevent you from engaging the muscles that support the lower back. This diminished muscle engagement leads to weakness and instability that leads to even more pain in a vicious circle that feels inescapable.
TruSculpt FLEX utilizes MDS (Multi-Directional Stimulation) technology to bypass your neuromuscular injury pattern and condition muscles directly, using three treatment modes combined into one session. This direct muscle stimulation causes thousands of super-maximal muscle contractions not achievable with voluntary effort when working out.
The technology improves tone, strength, and endurance in your muscles by contracting and holding your muscles to the point of exhaustion in a way that your pain is preventing you from doing on your own.
How do I prepare for treatment?
You may want to clip short any thick hair from your desired treatment area 24 hours before your appointment. Show up well hydrated, with clean skin and comfortable clothing.
How is the procedure performed?
truGel pads are applied to the areas being treated. The device delivers electrical currents that stimulate muscle contractions. As treatment progresses, we increase the intensity of the contractions in a program customized to your fitness level, tolerance, and goals.
truSculpt FLEX induces contractions that are more intense than physical exercise. These rapid contractions can lead to increased muscle mass, strength, and tone.
How long does each treatment take?
Treatments are 45 minutes, with a door-to-door time of around 60 minutes.
How many treatments are needed?
The Modern MedÆsthetics team will customize a program to match your fitness and goals. Most people respond best to 6 treatments performed over 3 weeks.
When will I see results and how long do results last?
Most patients can feel a sustained difference in their muscle firmness after 4 sessions, and this continues to improve through the program and beyond. Following your truSculpt FLEX treatment program, your muscle tone and contour continues to improve for up to 12 weeks. And we can provide the support you need to maintain your improvement.
Is treatment painful?
truSculpt FLEX is not painful. The treatment can induce contractions that are more intense than physical exercise, and will be tailored to your tolerance and goals.
What is recovery like?
You will feel “worked out” after each session and can experience that sensation for a day or more. Most patients can feel a sustained difference in their muscle firmness after 4 sessions, and this continues to improve through the program and beyond.