truSculpt Flex
If you’re unable to get enough exercise or if you’re simply interested in getting an extra boost to tone your muscles, truSculpt® FLEX is an advanced muscle sculpting technology that can help you.
At Modern MedÆsthetics we provide truSculpt FLEX to tone and tighten specific muscles and improve your physique in-office with no downtime.
What is it?
truSculpt Flex® is a non-invasive muscle sculpting device that uses Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) with electrical energy delivered directly to muscles to strengthen, tone, and firm your abdomen, core, buttocks, thighs, calves, and arms, and provide gains in your problem areas.
What can it do for you?
Treatment with truSculpt Flex® provides:
Strengthening of abdomen, buttocks, legs, arms.
Toning and building most muscle groups.
Sculpting your body.
Firming abdominal / core muscles that can reduce back pain.
Before and After
How does it work?
TruSculpt FLEX utilizes MDS (Multi-Directional Stimulation) technology to condition muscles using three treatment modes combined into one session. This pattern of direct muscle stimulation causes thousands of super-maximal muscle contractions not achievable with voluntary effort when working out.
The different mode options of truSculpt FLEX are designed to simulate different workouts and replicate intensified squats, twisting, and crunch actions.
The technology starts by creating a twisting motion to warm up and stretch your muscles and slowly build up a tolerance to muscle contractions. The technology tones your muscles by contracting and holding your muscles to the point of exhaustion before relaxing your muscles to increase strength and endurance.
To sculpt your muscles, the truSculpt FLEX system stimulates deep, fast, and sequential muscle contractions to build muscle mass and increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
How do I prepare for treatment?
You may want to clip short any thick hair from your desired treatment area 24 hours before your appointment. Show up well hydrated, with clean skin and comfortable clothing.
How is the procedure performed?
truGel pads are applied to the areas being treated. The device delivers electrical currents that stimulate muscle contractions. As treatment progresses, we increase the intensity of the contractions in a program customized to your fitness level, tolerance, and goals.
truSculpt FLEX induces contractions that are more intense than physical exercise. These rapid contractions can lead to increased muscle mass, strength, and tone.
How long does each treatment take?
Treatments are 45 minutes, with a door-to-door time of around 60 minutes.
How many treatments are needed?
The Modern MedÆsthetics team will customize a program to match your fitness and goals. Most people respond best to 4-6 treatments performed over 2-3 weeks.
When will I see results and how long do results last?
Most patients can feel a sustained difference in their muscle firmness after 4 sessions, and this continues to improve through the program and beyond. Following your truSculpt FLEX treatment program, your muscle tone and contour continues to improve for up to 12 weeks.
Is treatment painful?
truSculpt FLEX is not painful. The treatment can induce contractions that are more intense than physical exercise, and will be tailored to your tolerance and goals.
What is recovery like?
You will feel “worked out” after each session and can experience that sensation for a day or more. Most patients can feel a sustained difference in their muscle firmness after 4 sessions, and this continues to improve through the program and beyond.